Speaking about the pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) techniques currently used in Europe, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella said: "Currently, there are three common types of pre-implantation genetic tests: PGT-A, PGT-SR, and PGT-M. PGT-A is used to detect chromosomal abnormalities, allowing the selection of embryos without chromosomal abnormalities for embryo transfer. PGT-M is a tool to detect genetic mutations that could be inherited from the parents, thereby preventing the transfer of embryos with genetic disorders. PGT-SR is a method capable of detecting structural chromosomal abnormalities of 5Mb or more in embryos, thus increasing the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy by selecting normal embryos."
In addition to the three conventional PGT tests, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella also discussed two new methods: Non-invasive PGT-A (NiPGT-A) and PGT for Ploidy (Ploidy). “NiPGT-A provides the opportunity to test embryos without the need for biopsy, by analyzing DNA in the culture medium. Meanwhile, PGT for Ploidy helps detect the presence of specific chromosomal abnormalities in embryos, thus avoiding the transfer of these embryos." However, she also mentioned that more research is needed to further validate the effectiveness of these two methods.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella also addressed several audience questions, including the importance of genetic counseling in IVF procedures, criteria for selecting mosaic embryos for transfer, and especially the appropriate timing for performing PGT methods, especially PGT for Ploidy. She spent a lot of time discussing the advantages, practical applications, and outcomes that can be achieved by using the genetic testing methods currently applied in Europe.
Understanding the concerns of infertile couples about the cost of these procedures, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella shared: "The new PGT tests are optimal methods, incorporating advanced techniques from pre-implantation genetic screening. Therefore, it is understandable that the costs of these tests are slightly higher. However, in the future, the cost of these tests may decrease due to rapid technological advancements and the widespread adoption of testing. For example, the first PGT tests had extremely high costs when they were first introduced, but over time, the costs have stabilized, allowing many patients to access this method."
Notably, during the conversation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella provided in-depth insights and timely answers, helping doctors, specialists, and viewers better understand the application of current pre-implantation genetic tests. The Talkshow program was a success, attracting thousands of views, numerous shares, and receiving a lot of support from the audience.
Before concluding the Talkshow, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella shared that she was very impressed after visiting some PGT and IVF labs in Vietnam, particularly GENTIS. She further mentioned that she was impressed with the facilities and the quality of healthcare professionals in Vietnam. Additionally, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesca Spinella noted that “Vietnam’s healthcare services in general, and reproductive support in particular, have a lot of potential for development” and emphasized the collaborative relationship within the Eurofins family, both scientifically and commercially.
We hope that the insights shared by the experts during the Talkshow will be beneficial for doctors and the audience. GENTIS Genetic Counseling Center sincerely thanks the doctors, partners, experts, and clients for their participation. We will continue to organize more Genetic Counseling Talkshow programs to provide valuable information to the audience.